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包含 MergeTree 表的设置 (Setting) 信息。


  • name (String) — 设置名称。
  • value (String) — 设置的值。
  • description (String) — 设置描述。
  • type (String) — 设置类型 (执行特定的字符串值)。
  • changed (UInt8) — 该设置是否在配置中明确定义或是明确改变。


SELECT * FROM system.merge_tree_settings LIMIT 4 FORMAT Vertical;
Row 1:
name: index_granularity
value: 8192
changed: 0
description: How many rows correspond to one primary key value.
type: SettingUInt64

Row 2:
name: min_bytes_for_wide_part
value: 0
changed: 0
description: Minimal uncompressed size in bytes to create part in wide format instead of compact
type: SettingUInt64

Row 3:
name: min_rows_for_wide_part
value: 0
changed: 0
description: Minimal number of rows to create part in wide format instead of compact
type: SettingUInt64

Row 4:
name: merge_max_block_size
value: 8192
changed: 0
description: How many rows in blocks should be formed for merge operations.
type: SettingUInt64

4 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.